Lauren Anderson's Christmas Fruit Soup
When Lauren Anderson, the talented maker behind joliment.market, shared with us that her favorite holiday food is "fruit soup," we were intrigued. Lucky for us she provided the recipe, which her family makes every year to give as gifts and to eat as part of their Christmas morning brunch. It's a festive twist on fruit salad, and something we'll now be enjoying over the holiday weekend with our family too. Here's the super simple recipe, straight from Lauren...
10 large oranges
6 grapefruit
4 kiwi
1 small jar maraschino cherries
1-2 cups orange juice
Sugar to taste
Cut tops and bottoms off of oranges and grapefruit. Remove remaining peel with a knife and segment fruit into a large bowl. Discard pith (membrane). Add cherries into the bowl, include juice from the cherries to taste (I use about 1/2 the jar). Add orange juice. Stir to combine ingredients and chill in refrigerator until ready to eat. Right before serving, cut kiwi into small pieces and add to the soup.